Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Send me your Porta Potty Signs!

I have received so many emails with some great signs to hang on the porta potty. Now there is no way I will be able to post all the signs because the lawn ornament is only going to be here for a short period of time so I have decided to make this into a contest. Send my your saying that you would post on the porta potty to my email - I will then gather all the phrases and post them for a vote. Everyone will be able to vote on there favorite sign for the porta potty and the one with the most votes will win a prize. I will be accepting sign phrases starting now till July 24. I will then post all the phrases for a vote. On July 31 I will post the most popular phrase and that person will win a prize! Plus I will find a porta potty (if the one in my yard is not here anymore), make the sign and post it for all to see! So you have just over a week to come up with the best PORTA POTTY SIGN!! Have a POTTY OF A TIME!!! Just can't wait to see them all!

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