We all had a great time chatting. It was a lot of laughs and learned a lot!
Thank You all for coming and joining me!!! I had a BLAST!!!
We will have another one soon!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Come Join me in a LIVE CHAT
It's time to Mingle!!!!
Private chat board! Typing only
Monday Dec 14th at 8:00pm to 9:30 pm EST
We will be announcing the WINNERS of our DRAWING
Hurry to order so your name gets into the drawing!
Answer all questions
Tip and Tricks
Plus lots of laughs and some good old girls chat!
The Link to the Private Chat will be on the front page of my website Monday afternoon!
Hope to see you all there!!!!!
Private chat board! Typing only
Monday Dec 14th at 8:00pm to 9:30 pm EST
We will be announcing the WINNERS of our DRAWING
Hurry to order so your name gets into the drawing!
Answer all questions
Tip and Tricks
Plus lots of laughs and some good old girls chat!
The Link to the Private Chat will be on the front page of my website Monday afternoon!
Hope to see you all there!!!!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Need to vent....
As some of you may know my Internet company decided that sometime on Wednesday or early Thursday morning that they would be updating our email. Merge the old email with the new email and make it "BETTER". Of course there would be no changes, no worries and nothing to due on my end. I received an email on the 8th concerning this change. Well its early Saturday morning....very early and I still don't have my email up and working.
After several phone calls to the company for several days they continue to state it is merging and is backed up. Ya think!!! But have no fear you will receive your emails and oh by the way your email will be changing. Well I have to say... when I ever heard that I just lost it. My New England Italian temper came out. The gentleman on the other end had no idea what was about to hit him. The poor thing....
First I stated the obvious, how could a company make such a change during the middle of the week during normal business hours and think there would be no problems. Now for two days I keep hearing the script they read from, its just backed up but you will eventually receive your emails. Well I stated to the gentleman, I am not some Joe Shome waiting to get an email from someone because they wanted to say HI today or get a joke by email. I am trying to run a business and I depend on my emails to fill my orders BY EMAIL. Plus I am not nieve to think I am the only one in this situation. Now bare in mind I live in Iowa and my accent does not help this situation. He kinda chuckled when I said "Joe Shome". Then went to his script stating I will still get my emails and nothing changes on my end. I just have to be patient. I asked him about my email changing and stated that the old email will still forward. Of course they don't know for how long they are still trying to resolve the back log of emails. Then I stated but you just told me in your last breath NOTHING WAS CHANGING AND I JUST HAVE TO SIT IT OUT AND WAIT FOR THE EMAILS TO CATCH UP. Now he did apologize and went back to his script to read from.
I then made this statement to him: If you were running a landscaping business out of your home and your telephone company told you they would be doing an update, DON'T WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING, then your phone did not to work for a few days and oh by the way you have a new telephone number. I think you would be just a little upset. Well of course the poor man did not know what to say....lots of silence
I then asked him where I could submit a bill for my lose of work and time. More silence.... I explained its okay for a large company to make these changes and effect my business. I am not being compensated in my bill other than to be patient. Why is it when these large corporations or companies make changes and we just have to deal with it but lets now owe them any money or expect them to do things in a timely fashion. Of course more silence...
Now, I know its not his fault and he did not make the decisions to make this change so I did apologize to him.
There is a bright side to all of this, I was still able to get my orders from my website and paypal. Just had to use a different email so all is good. Things could have been much worst so I am thankful and can laugh a little bit about it now and just have to remember the brighter side. Just had to vent.....
To all my wonderful customers I really want to THANK YOU for being patient during this time! Your the best! If there are email that have been lost and you had questions please don't hesitate to email me at
Happy Hanukkah!!
Happy Holidays and Blessings To All! Vicky
After several phone calls to the company for several days they continue to state it is merging and is backed up. Ya think!!! But have no fear you will receive your emails and oh by the way your email will be changing. Well I have to say... when I ever heard that I just lost it. My New England Italian temper came out. The gentleman on the other end had no idea what was about to hit him. The poor thing....
First I stated the obvious, how could a company make such a change during the middle of the week during normal business hours and think there would be no problems. Now for two days I keep hearing the script they read from, its just backed up but you will eventually receive your emails. Well I stated to the gentleman, I am not some Joe Shome waiting to get an email from someone because they wanted to say HI today or get a joke by email. I am trying to run a business and I depend on my emails to fill my orders BY EMAIL. Plus I am not nieve to think I am the only one in this situation. Now bare in mind I live in Iowa and my accent does not help this situation. He kinda chuckled when I said "Joe Shome". Then went to his script stating I will still get my emails and nothing changes on my end. I just have to be patient. I asked him about my email changing and stated that the old email will still forward. Of course they don't know for how long they are still trying to resolve the back log of emails. Then I stated but you just told me in your last breath NOTHING WAS CHANGING AND I JUST HAVE TO SIT IT OUT AND WAIT FOR THE EMAILS TO CATCH UP. Now he did apologize and went back to his script to read from.
I then made this statement to him: If you were running a landscaping business out of your home and your telephone company told you they would be doing an update, DON'T WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING, then your phone did not to work for a few days and oh by the way you have a new telephone number. I think you would be just a little upset. Well of course the poor man did not know what to say....lots of silence
I then asked him where I could submit a bill for my lose of work and time. More silence.... I explained its okay for a large company to make these changes and effect my business. I am not being compensated in my bill other than to be patient. Why is it when these large corporations or companies make changes and we just have to deal with it but lets now owe them any money or expect them to do things in a timely fashion. Of course more silence...
Now, I know its not his fault and he did not make the decisions to make this change so I did apologize to him.
There is a bright side to all of this, I was still able to get my orders from my website and paypal. Just had to use a different email so all is good. Things could have been much worst so I am thankful and can laugh a little bit about it now and just have to remember the brighter side. Just had to vent.....
To all my wonderful customers I really want to THANK YOU for being patient during this time! Your the best! If there are email that have been lost and you had questions please don't hesitate to email me at
Happy Hanukkah!!
Happy Holidays and Blessings To All! Vicky
Sunday, December 6, 2009
It's back...
To purchase just click on the BUY NOW button above and then just place the names or pattern numbers in Paypal notes section and the patterns/recipes will be sent right to your email. To pick your patterns/recipes go to my website:
To purchase just click on the BUY NOW button above and then just place the names or pattern numbers in Paypal notes section and the patterns/recipes will be sent right to your email. To pick your patterns/recipes go to my website:
Great NEW Patterns for Sale
Friday, November 27, 2009
Cyber Sale and Jingle n Mingle
I hope you all had a Very Happy Thanksgiving with your family and friends!
In the spirit of Christmas I have decided to have a Jingle n Mingle (Drawing) and Cyber Sale. The Jingle n Mingle is quite different and I hope you all enjoy!
In the spirit of Christmas I have decided to have a Jingle n Mingle (Drawing) and Cyber Sale. The Jingle n Mingle is quite different and I hope you all enjoy!
I have released 3 NEW PATTERNS and some One of a Kinds
PLUS I have just release our Brand NEW Reed Diffusers
We have a country/prim Reed Diffusers and Primitive Grungy Reed Diffusers
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
He is a HIT!!!

Primitive Snowman *Sitter* Pattern $8.75
He is a HIT!!! This is one of my Brand New Releases and is a BIG HIT with my customers!I would NEVER state this if it wasn't true and this is the first time I have ever posted a pattern on my blog. I am taken back with how popular he is so I wanted all the crafter's to know I am offering the pattern for sale right here on my blog. This is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD PATTERN. Just click on the instant download button below, pay using paypal and you will receive a download button to get your pattern right away!

He is a easy snowman to make and sells EXTREMELY WELL!!! You can make him more prim by making him darker with your coffee stain solution. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me at
Blessings Vicky
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
It's been a while...
Hello All! It's been a while since my last post. I have been super busy and not feeling well. Hubby was sick and just felt like he had to share it with me. He likes to keep things in the family... LOL
I have some new patterns with more to come in the next few days. I have also started my own product line. WHOOO HOOO Very exciting! We now offer rusty items, mica flakes, grungy tappers and grungy tea lights. Tomorrow we will have german glitter glass ready for sale. Coming soon... Reed Diffusers, Room Sprays and Potpourri Oil.
Looking forward to Christmas. I just can't wait! I know I should not be wishing the months by but we are going home to RI for a visit and to spend the Holiday's with my son and family. Just to sit down with my entire family for Christmas dinner will be awesome. Plus not to mention seeing all the kids open their gifts. Anyway....
I will have a new free pattern listed for you all to enjoy tomorrow. If you get a chance stop by my website to see our new items
Have a wonderful night! Blessings Vicky
I have some new patterns with more to come in the next few days. I have also started my own product line. WHOOO HOOO Very exciting! We now offer rusty items, mica flakes, grungy tappers and grungy tea lights. Tomorrow we will have german glitter glass ready for sale. Coming soon... Reed Diffusers, Room Sprays and Potpourri Oil.
Looking forward to Christmas. I just can't wait! I know I should not be wishing the months by but we are going home to RI for a visit and to spend the Holiday's with my son and family. Just to sit down with my entire family for Christmas dinner will be awesome. Plus not to mention seeing all the kids open their gifts. Anyway....
I will have a new free pattern listed for you all to enjoy tomorrow. If you get a chance stop by my website to see our new items
Have a wonderful night! Blessings Vicky
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Back on Track...
Well it has been a rough 3 weeks and I have made it through! WHHOOO HOOO!! The visit with family and friends was terrific! We all had a great time. Very busy and lots of people but it was so worth it! Lots of laughs and tears when they all left. It makes me want to go home to RI so bad.... anyway enough with the boo hoo.
I just finished with supplying the store in New London, Iowa - The Barn - with all of there one of a kind exclusive goodies for the show that was this past weekend. I went with 4 drop offs with tons of items and each time I went back the items had all sold, the show had not even begun! Well I dropped off the last load Thursday afternoon a day before the show and told my friend Koral who owns the store, I can't do anymore. I was burnt out and done so she better make it last when the doors open on Friday for her show... LOL So for the next show which will be her Christmas show she will receive the items the day before the show due to lack of time I have making the items and trying to keep up with my orders. Easier said than done... They had a wonderful show and sold lots! If you would like to see a slide show of all that they have to offer go to my website . Its a huge old barn and she has some much more that what the pictures have to show.
I will be starting to list my new Winter/Christmas Patterns tomorrow. I have worked this weekend to catch up and make new items for the holidays. More will be coming soon!
Just an FYI the SALE for 5 E-Pattern for $15.00 will be ending on 9-30-09 so hurry and get your orders placed!
I will have a new freebie tomorrow for you all to enjoy! Make sure you check back!
I just want to thank all my customers for their patients and understanding through it all! Your the best!!! Have a great night! Blessings Vicky
I just finished with supplying the store in New London, Iowa - The Barn - with all of there one of a kind exclusive goodies for the show that was this past weekend. I went with 4 drop offs with tons of items and each time I went back the items had all sold, the show had not even begun! Well I dropped off the last load Thursday afternoon a day before the show and told my friend Koral who owns the store, I can't do anymore. I was burnt out and done so she better make it last when the doors open on Friday for her show... LOL So for the next show which will be her Christmas show she will receive the items the day before the show due to lack of time I have making the items and trying to keep up with my orders. Easier said than done... They had a wonderful show and sold lots! If you would like to see a slide show of all that they have to offer go to my website . Its a huge old barn and she has some much more that what the pictures have to show.
I will be starting to list my new Winter/Christmas Patterns tomorrow. I have worked this weekend to catch up and make new items for the holidays. More will be coming soon!
Just an FYI the SALE for 5 E-Pattern for $15.00 will be ending on 9-30-09 so hurry and get your orders placed!
I will have a new freebie tomorrow for you all to enjoy! Make sure you check back!
I just want to thank all my customers for their patients and understanding through it all! Your the best!!! Have a great night! Blessings Vicky
Monday, August 24, 2009
Okay Ladies you asked for it so here it is....
Okay Ladies you asked for it so here it is....
Buy any 5 E-PATTERNS for $15.00
Just email me at with the list of the 5 e-patterns you would like. I will invoice you through Paypal for $15.00 and when I receive your payment I will email your patterns so you can get started making your prim goodies :))
This SALE is for a LIMITED TIME!
Sale includes prim patterns or prim recipes!
Plus you will also receive 5 crows with your name on them to be entered into the drawing! WOW!!! What a deal!
Warning: eBay will be using photos without creators' permission.
Via apocalypticbob:
Starting on August 31st, eBay is going to institute a new policy where photos you upload to any listing are put into a "catalog" of online images that any eBay user can then use for their own listings. The default setting for this is opt-in, which is a problem if you, like me, consider your photographs your property and want to control how they are used and by whom. A copyright notice is posted with a link to your user profile, but no additional information is given, and the link is quite small.
Since the default setting is opt-in, and eBay has not sent messages out about this, a lot of people are going to be caught flat-footed by this new policy.
Again, the default for this setting is YES, you have opted in. Meaning "Yes, I will allow eBay to make my photos available for anyone to use."
If you do not want eBay to make the photos you upload to all of your future auctions available to other users in a sort of catalog process, you need to go change your settings now, before August 31st. If you opt out after then, any photos you upload between the 31st and when you opt out will still be eligible for inclusion in their "catalog."
In order to opt out of this so-not-okay process, do the following. I've broken it down exhaustively. Hopefully your eBay pages look like mine.
1) Go to your eBay summary page ("My eBay").
2) On the left-hand side, there are three tabs that say "Activity," "Messages," and "Account." Hover over the "Account" tab.
3) A drop-down list will appear. Move your mouse down to "Site Preferences" and click.
4) You will be taken to a page with a list of site options for selling, shipping, and listing. About the sixth from the top is "Share your Photos." Click on the word "show" on the right hand side next to this option.
5) The box will expand, and if you are opted in, "yes" will appear. If you are opted out, "no" will appear. A small "edit" link will appear below the "show" link. If you want to change the settings, click "edit."
6) You will be taken to a new page with the following text: If you'd like to opt-out of this program, please do so by checking this box and clicking the "submit" button below.
(If you opt-out before August 31, 2009, none of your photos will be considered for inclusion in this program unless you opt back in at a later time. If you opt-out after August 31, 2009, any photos we select for inclusion in this program prior to your opt-out may continue to be used in the catalog)
7) If you want to opt out of the program, check the ticky box on the left-hand side next to the text, then go down and click the "submit" button.
8) You will go back to the settings screen you were just on, and there will be a green checkmark and a confirmation message. Go down to the "Share your Photos" option again and click "show." Your setting should now appear as "no."
I am sure that this will be a useful feature for some people, for some items, but the automatic opt-in is not okay with me at all, as I don't want my photographs used to illustrate someone else's auction for a different item, not for any reason whatsoever.
I thought you should all be warned. Please spread the word. This is a slimy, underhanded thing to do, and I hope it bites them in the ass.
ETA: It appears that this might not be affecting everyone, but I urge you to go check your settings anyway. Mine was defaulted to "yes." Maybe it's a browser thing, I don't know, but y'all should probably go make sure
Courtesy of Rabbit Hollow Primitives who asked all to pass this along to all
Via apocalypticbob:
Starting on August 31st, eBay is going to institute a new policy where photos you upload to any listing are put into a "catalog" of online images that any eBay user can then use for their own listings. The default setting for this is opt-in, which is a problem if you, like me, consider your photographs your property and want to control how they are used and by whom. A copyright notice is posted with a link to your user profile, but no additional information is given, and the link is quite small.
Since the default setting is opt-in, and eBay has not sent messages out about this, a lot of people are going to be caught flat-footed by this new policy.
Again, the default for this setting is YES, you have opted in. Meaning "Yes, I will allow eBay to make my photos available for anyone to use."
If you do not want eBay to make the photos you upload to all of your future auctions available to other users in a sort of catalog process, you need to go change your settings now, before August 31st. If you opt out after then, any photos you upload between the 31st and when you opt out will still be eligible for inclusion in their "catalog."
In order to opt out of this so-not-okay process, do the following. I've broken it down exhaustively. Hopefully your eBay pages look like mine.
1) Go to your eBay summary page ("My eBay").
2) On the left-hand side, there are three tabs that say "Activity," "Messages," and "Account." Hover over the "Account" tab.
3) A drop-down list will appear. Move your mouse down to "Site Preferences" and click.
4) You will be taken to a page with a list of site options for selling, shipping, and listing. About the sixth from the top is "Share your Photos." Click on the word "show" on the right hand side next to this option.
5) The box will expand, and if you are opted in, "yes" will appear. If you are opted out, "no" will appear. A small "edit" link will appear below the "show" link. If you want to change the settings, click "edit."
6) You will be taken to a new page with the following text: If you'd like to opt-out of this program, please do so by checking this box and clicking the "submit" button below.
(If you opt-out before August 31, 2009, none of your photos will be considered for inclusion in this program unless you opt back in at a later time. If you opt-out after August 31, 2009, any photos we select for inclusion in this program prior to your opt-out may continue to be used in the catalog)
7) If you want to opt out of the program, check the ticky box on the left-hand side next to the text, then go down and click the "submit" button.
8) You will go back to the settings screen you were just on, and there will be a green checkmark and a confirmation message. Go down to the "Share your Photos" option again and click "show." Your setting should now appear as "no."
I am sure that this will be a useful feature for some people, for some items, but the automatic opt-in is not okay with me at all, as I don't want my photographs used to illustrate someone else's auction for a different item, not for any reason whatsoever.
I thought you should all be warned. Please spread the word. This is a slimy, underhanded thing to do, and I hope it bites them in the ass.
ETA: It appears that this might not be affecting everyone, but I urge you to go check your settings anyway. Mine was defaulted to "yes." Maybe it's a browser thing, I don't know, but y'all should probably go make sure
Courtesy of Rabbit Hollow Primitives who asked all to pass this along to all
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
He's Back.....
Hello All...
I made one of my famous Snowman *I'm freezing my bells off...* I just listed him and he is up for sale on Ebay. The bidding is starting a $1.00.
(just click on photo to bid!)
Below is a NEW Prim/Folk Art JOL Make-do which is also up for auction. Great for the entire fall season!
(just click on photo to bid)
Happy Bidding!
I made one of my famous Snowman *I'm freezing my bells off...* I just listed him and he is up for sale on Ebay. The bidding is starting a $1.00.

Below is a NEW Prim/Folk Art JOL Make-do which is also up for auction. Great for the entire fall season!

Happy Bidding!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
2 New Items for SALE on Ebay

Here is a great set of Prim/Folk art Pumpkin Bowl Fillers. They are just way too cute!
(Just click on the photo which will take you right to the auction)

Prim/Folk art Stumped Pumpkin with Crow. He has a face that only a mother could love. :0)
(Just click on the photo which will take you right to the auction)
Hope you all enjoy the new primitive folk art creations!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Don't Foget to VOTE for your Favorite Sign
Vote for your favorite sign on the left hand side
Sorry it took me sooooo long to post these. Just way behind. SORRY!!
Sorry it took me sooooo long to post these. Just way behind. SORRY!!
New Fall Patterns just added!!
Monday, July 27, 2009

Do you see camping in the background?
Now all entrances where blocked off with signs and barriers.

This just to the right of the sign inside the park
Nice cloths line...
Okay Ragbrai came into town for a over night FREE stay. For those of you who don't know what Ragbrai is... they are cyclists who ride across the state. Ride so many miles then stop overnight for a rest then and they move on. Friday night was our town for a stop. We had an estimate 20,000 people come in for the night. The chamber of commerce decided that they needed to close down the entire town square-both blocks, open schools that have just been cleaned, free electric, showers, lights, gyms etc. Well the chamber thought that this would bring business into our town. Well I don't know how much money they brought in but I can say they or some don't obey laws, rules or signs as you can see from above. Just wanted to share another just when you thought you seen it all....
Friday, July 24, 2009
Primitive Black Lumpy Pumpkins Set of 3 for SALE!!!
Set of 3 Black Lumpy Bumpy Pumpkins for SALE
Will ship to USA and Canada!
We have a winner! Carol has won the what is the phrase contest! She was the first one to post what the sign means. Bend over here it comes.... A lot of you did get it right!!
Carol - Butternut Creek Folk Art - send me your full name and address to and I will get you out your Lumpy Bumpy Pumpkins.
Sorry for not posting this last night but it was my Anniversary.. 20 years... where has the time gone so I was off celebrating the occasion with hubby.
Thank you all for playing along! It really has been fun!
Carol - Butternut Creek Folk Art - send me your full name and address to and I will get you out your Lumpy Bumpy Pumpkins.
Sorry for not posting this last night but it was my Anniversary.. 20 years... where has the time gone so I was off celebrating the occasion with hubby.
Thank you all for playing along! It really has been fun!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
LAST SIGN OF THE DAY.... Does anyone know what it means?

Click on photo to see better
Okay here is the last sign. I was informed they will be removing my lawn ornament tomorrow morning. So here it is.... Does anyone know what the initials mean - it is a saying? BOHIC... Post what you think the saying is in the comment section. The first one to answer it correctly will win..... drum roll please....
My brand new set of Primitive Black Lumpy Pumpkins.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Monday's Sign of the Day...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Here's another Fall Item Just Listed!!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
New Fall Pattern Just added!!!
Friday's sign of the day....
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I'm in the Mood for two! Thursday sign of the day #2

Click on photo for larger version
Okay I am in the mood for two signs today seeing as though the first one was not my idea. I just have soooooo much to say... LOL Who would of ever thought this could be some much fun :) SMILE
I have received a ton of great saying since yesterday! Keep them coming!! I just can't wait for you to see them all!
Thursday's sign of the day.....
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Send me your Porta Potty Signs!
I have received so many emails with some great signs to hang on the porta potty. Now there is no way I will be able to post all the signs because the lawn ornament is only going to be here for a short period of time so I have decided to make this into a contest. Send my your saying that you would post on the porta potty to my email - I will then gather all the phrases and post them for a vote. Everyone will be able to vote on there favorite sign for the porta potty and the one with the most votes will win a prize. I will be accepting sign phrases starting now till July 24. I will then post all the phrases for a vote. On July 31 I will post the most popular phrase and that person will win a prize! Plus I will find a porta potty (if the one in my yard is not here anymore), make the sign and post it for all to see! So you have just over a week to come up with the best PORTA POTTY SIGN!! Have a POTTY OF A TIME!!! Just can't wait to see them all!
Wednesday... Drum roll please... Sign of the day
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Tuesday's Sign of the Day...

Click on the picture to see a larger version
Good Morning to all my faithful followers. I have posted my sign of the day for my lawn ornament. I think the sign speaks for itself. ENJOY!!!
Okay the last sign which I will not know when that will be depending on when they take the potty away, I will be having a contest. This is the ultimate sign that one of my friends was so wonderful to share with me. Hint... it will just be a bunch of letters and you will have to figure out what it is. The first one to guess the correct sign will win a prize from me. It will be something primitive and a handmade item so keep an eye out for the posting.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monday's Sign of the Day...

Click on photo to make it larger
Well today is Monday and I have vowed that I would hang a new sign while my new lawn ornament was in my yard. So today's sign is The Crap Stops Here. Now I have to say hubby is not happy with me due he thinks that this will make them take even longer to put down the new road. He advised me not to do it but you know me I just had too! I took an oath. Until tomorrow...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sign of the day...

You can click on photo to read it better.
Okay, with my warp sense of humor I have decided to make a sign of the day. I went to post today's sign and one of the workers was so kind to help me post the sign with duck tape. Now I can't all the credit because my partner in crime egged me on. Until Monday.... LOL
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Oh I forgot to mention... Just when you think you have seen it all....
I forgot to mention in my previous posting that about 2 weeks ago I saw a truck pull up to my front lawn and drop one of these off.

Yes, a porta potty on my lawn front/side lawn. My home with the window in the background is my house. The little tractor is in my driveway on my property. Do you think they are here for a while? There is a empty lot just up from my home you think they would of had some dignity and placed it there. Not on someones lawn. Just when I thought I have seen it all.

Yes, a porta potty on my lawn front/side lawn. My home with the window in the background is my house. The little tractor is in my driveway on my property. Do you think they are here for a while? There is a empty lot just up from my home you think they would of had some dignity and placed it there. Not on someones lawn. Just when I thought I have seen it all.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Where to begin....
Okay I will start off with the good news. I participated in a swap with the prim sisters gathering and received a wonderful item from a good friend Valerie. Now I have to say I have had my goodies and it has been displayed for the 4Th but I am now just getting around to posting the awesome American Display. SORRY!!! I was so thrilled when I received my goodies. She not only sent this entire display but she sent a photo of how it went together. Hats off to you Val!! I LOVE IT!!!! Thank you so much!!! Here is a link to some of Valeries goodies she has for sale:

So yesterday I decided to go outside and take a few photos of what a bang up job our small town is doing with giving us a brand new street. They started the street the week before Memorial Day. Its now 8 weeks later and they have a quarter of the street done. It wouldn't be so bad but I have no access to my drive way and with all the trucks and equipment I have to park a 1/2 block away on a side street. Now we all know its not really that bad but after you have gone shopping for groceries and have to lug them a half a block and its hot with lots of cement dust it gets old real quick. Now on behalf of the workers I have to say the weather has not helped in them fixing the road any quicker. The story continues....

These photos are taken on my front porch

My husbands boat is our new lawn fixture because we can't get it to the garage

The photo above is what is left of my drive way.
Okay now those photo's were taken about 9:00am so later that afternoon this is what it looked like. I happened to look out the window while cooking supper and this is what I saw....

MORE STORMS ROLLING IN.... is it ever going to end? I turn on the weather channel and they were on there way along with funnel clouds that were spotted south of us. Well I'm hoping to have a road and a drive way by winter. LOL

So yesterday I decided to go outside and take a few photos of what a bang up job our small town is doing with giving us a brand new street. They started the street the week before Memorial Day. Its now 8 weeks later and they have a quarter of the street done. It wouldn't be so bad but I have no access to my drive way and with all the trucks and equipment I have to park a 1/2 block away on a side street. Now we all know its not really that bad but after you have gone shopping for groceries and have to lug them a half a block and its hot with lots of cement dust it gets old real quick. Now on behalf of the workers I have to say the weather has not helped in them fixing the road any quicker. The story continues....

These photos are taken on my front porch

My husbands boat is our new lawn fixture because we can't get it to the garage

The photo above is what is left of my drive way.
Okay now those photo's were taken about 9:00am so later that afternoon this is what it looked like. I happened to look out the window while cooking supper and this is what I saw....

MORE STORMS ROLLING IN.... is it ever going to end? I turn on the weather channel and they were on there way along with funnel clouds that were spotted south of us. Well I'm hoping to have a road and a drive way by winter. LOL
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